Zocdoc: Out-of-Home Ad Campaign, Website Revamp, Social Media Copy

The world of healthcare is less than welcoming to the average patient. Zocdoc aims to change that. Their platform offers patients a simple way to find, book, and visit with a provider. 

Zocdoc wanted to balance their friendly, neighborly tone, with the importance and seriousness of patient care. I worked with the Zocdoc brand and product teams to bring that voice to life while revamping their homepage, writing podcast copy, and putting together social media copy. 

To take that brand voice further, I worked with Bone Design on an out-of-home ad campaign inspired by Zocdoc’s successful subway ads. I wrote the copy and helped establish the tone for illustrative mailers sent to prospective users. 

Out of Home Ad Campaign: Award Winning Care

Out of Home Ad Campaign: RIGHT WHEN…