Loom: Website Revamp, UX Writing, Branded Moments

The feeling of someone canceling an unnecessary meeting is incredible. So, how do you bring that feeling to life while telling someone there’s a tool to prevent that unnecessary meeting from ever getting scheduled in the first place?

That’s the problem I helped Loom solve in revamping their web copy. I worked with the brand, product, and design teams to add focus and clarity to Loom’s company voice and crystalize their brand and product promises. I rewrote dozens of pages for Loom throughout their website suite.



I worked with Loom’s product team to weave the company’s lively, friendly brand voice with crystal-clear UX copy that guided users throughout their journey from sign up to recording their first Loom.


Loom needed to make an impression quickly. Their branded postcards, targeted emails, and bespoke gifts were designed to capture the attention and interest of high-profile clients interested in Loom’s Enterprise async video plan. Working with Loom’s marketing and brand teams, I designed tag-lines, email copy, and copy for printed assets that served the campaign. You can see the interactive site I worked on below.